Application for McGill Method Certification
Background: McGill Method Certification is unique when compared to most certifications. It is not the starting point for a career but rather a destination for skilled clinicians to strive for and obtain. It is a designation for skilled clinicians who understand the pathways to back pain, how to conduct a thorough assessment of the individual and their unique pain triggers, how to wind down pain sensitivity and then rebuild capacity for pain-free activity in their clients.
It is required that a clinician wanting to challenge the exam has completed the three McGill Method courses (1. Foundation for the pain-free back; 2. Assessment; 3. Enhancing performance), and is familiar with the textbook material (Back Mechanic, Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, Low Back Disorders). They have been seeing patients and practicing their skills and evaluating their success rates. They are members of a professional association in good standing.
Candidate clinicians are expected to have a professional clinic and a vibrant practice seeing clients one-on-one.
Candidate clinicians should also be prepared to have a plan on how they will offer the McGill Method in their practice including both a brief business plan together with an operations outline.
Once McGill Method certified, you will be listed on the website and have the potential to receive client referrals who visit as back pained individuals. You will be expected to adhere to the McGill Method provider Code of Conduct for clinicians.
Please submit the following form: