Purpose and vision: Our Code of Conduct articulates a vision of ethical behavior grounded in our values and teachings. Its purpose is to provide guidelines for behavior that is both ethical and authentic. This document also serves the purpose of holding one another accountable to this standard. Each McGill Method provider agrees to uphold this code of conduct and be held accountable to it.
Goal of our code: It’s primary goal is the welfare and protection of the individuals with whom we work, together with acting with honour and professionalism for ourselves and for Backfitpro (the corporate entity of the McGill Method).
The Code:
• The clinician’s chief focus and primary ethical responsibility is on the client’s welfare.
• Every provider has a “home” profession with its unique skill set. When acting for a Backfitpro client, they will keep within the spirit of Backfitpro’s philosophy and science regarding understanding a clients back pain, approaches to reducing the pain, and building pain-free capacity and performance. Furthermore, when conditions present that are outside of the McGill Method clinical realm, then the appropriate expert will be consulted.
• Clients will be seen in an appropriate clinic or performance setting, with the provider on time and in professional attire.
• Billing and invoicing will be in keeping with standard clinic practice while recognizing the uniqueness of services provided by McGill Method providers.
• All McGill Method providers must maintain practice insurance.